Indian Call Girls First American BBC Oral Creampie

OK, so it was constructed in 1926. Interesting year that. Calvin Coolidge was in the White House, Eddie Cantor was running hot with "Bye Bye Blackbird," A.A. Milne had just published Winnie-the-Pooh," while the average US home would set you back around $6,800 and you could pick up a used Chrysler roadster for seventy-five bucks. Fidel Castro and Chuck Berry were born that year too - just in case you have an interest in such trivia.But to get back to what I was saying – it really was Christmas Eve. Now, for those readers who have kept a handle on things, you will be aware that I recently re-married a very young American girl and that accordingly, I shifted base from Australia to the tumbleweed-strewn heart of America. Geographically we are as close to the center of Northern USA as makes no difference.Old enough to be Katie's grandfather, I suppose we are the ultimate odd-couple. Lest anyone point the finger in my direction however, allow me to make a few observations. I love my PSG. .it was long, black and very thick. I was amazed how hard it looked. He put his hand on my head and pushed his cock toward my mouth. He told me to open my mouth as wide as I could. I did and he pushed his cock in. The head was enormous. He told me that he loved to have a white girl as cute as me sucking his cock…..I had never sucked before but he said I was doing okay. He was thrusting his cock into my mouth making me gag and choke. He held my head in one hand and started stroking the part of his cock not in my mouth….he was talking really nasty which was turning me on even more. That is when I felt his warm globby cum filling my mouth and spurting on my face. I didn’t know what to do so I sat there and just let him do what he wanted. After he came and rubbed his cock on my chest he went and got a towel to clean me off and then started rubbing my pussy again. He really liked squeezing and sucking on my tits also. I was so turned on listening to him say how he was going to.
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